package cas.cs4tb3.mellowd;
import java.util.List;
The Dynamic
changes the volume. In MIDI this translates to the velocity with which the
note is played. It works out very nicely because to play a piano sound louder the player
would hit the key “harder” (which really corresponds to faster) producing a louder sound
but also giving the note more power. This is exactly how MIDI velocity works.
public enum Dynamic {
Each dynamic has an associated MIDI velocity, for example pppp
(pianissimo) corresponds
to the MIDI velocity 8
pppp(8 ),
ppp (20),
pp (31),
p (42),
mp (53),
mf (64),
f (80),
ff (96),
fff (112),
private int velocity;
Dynamic(int velocity) {
this.velocity = velocity;
returns the MIDI velocity for this dynamic
public int getVelocity() {
return this.velocity;
This method applies this dynamic to each sound in the playableSounds
public void applyToAllSounds(PlayableSound[] playableSounds) {
for (PlayableSound sound : playableSounds) {
public void graduallyApplyToAllSounds(Dynamic targetDynamic, TimingEnvironment timingEnv, List<PlayableSound> playableSounds) {
Calculate the total duration of the change
long totalDuration = 0;
for (PlayableSound sound : playableSounds) {
totalDuration += timingEnv.ticksInBeat(sound.getDuration());
We want a linear increase or drop from this volume to the targetDynamic
int velocityChange = targetDynamic.velocity - this.velocity;
double changeSlope = velocityChange / (double) totalDuration;
Using the general equation of a line y = mx+b
we have a function
to get the velocity of each sound in the sequence. y
is the velocity,
is the changeSlope
, x
is the ticks that have passed since the start
of the phrase and b
is the starting velocity.
long stateTime = 0;
for (PlayableSound sound : playableSounds) {
sound.setVelocity((int) (changeSlope*stateTime + this.velocity));
stateTime += timingEnv.ticksInBeat(sound.getDuration());